About This Quote
This includes Door to Door Service, Full Coverage insurance (by law), All the taxes and fees are inclusive in this quote. Once reservation is placed we personally email over 212 preferred drivers that we have established a trusting relationship with over the last three years, what is included in this email: the type of vehicle, the pay, the ship from and to city and state, it can take anywhere from immediatly to 8 days to find a carrier going that direction. There is no up front fee or deposit and no cancelation fees if not satisfied with our service. We do require a credit/debit card to place the reservation for validation purposes only. Once the vehicle is picked up we charge that credit/debit card the deposit, then you pay the driver cash or money order the remaining balance. Once you receive your vehicle, we ask for a customer survey on this website: www.transportreviews.com, we then send you a $50 rebate company check after 10 days that the survey is posted. Let me know if I can be of any further service, Thank you.